Saturday 20 Jan 2024
09:00 – 10:30 Session 1:
102 Resilent. Ready. Strong.
Want to learn more about the Resilient. Ready. Strong. program? Join us for a workshop to learn about activities you can do with Girl Scouts to strengthen mental wellness. Life isn’t always easy, but dealing with tricky emotions doesn’t have to be so hard. Nobody can snap their fingers and make the world all sunshine and lollipops, but you can take steps to be ready when things get tough.
Workshop Leader: Danitza Rodelo
Focus: All Levels
103 College Knowledge – Badge Activity Planning
Do you have a high school aged troop? The Ambassador level badge, College Knowledge, steps you through a journey of self discovery and then a good foundation of college admissions basics. Have your 10th/11th grade Girl Scout learn about what is coming up to best plan their roadmap to college!
Workshop Leaders: Audrey Slaughter and Marge Cortes
Focus: S, AMB
104 Basic Ceremonies
Everyone loves a good ceremony! Hands-on activities related to Girl Scout ceremonies will be demonstrated. Come learn how you may engage your troop in these Girl Scout traditions. This workshop is specifically designed with Daisy & Brownie Leaders in mind.
Workshop Leader: Jeanette Bemis
Focus: D, B
Item to bring: scissors

10:45 – 12:15 Session 2
202 Bronze and Silver Awards – How To Guide Your Girl Scouts
Learn about the Bronze and Silver Awards requirements. We will discuss how to guide your Girl Scouts in identifying their Issue and Root Cause, and then how to support them in designing an effective Take Action project.
Workshop Leader: Winnie Kubik
Focus: J, C
Items to bring: note taking materials.